Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dear Member,

The following blog posts for the next few weeks will consist of the most commonly asked questions from the membership in regards to the Master Plan and Renovation process. These answers are from Billy Fuller (Golf Course Consultant and Architect), as well as additional input from Josh Dunaway (Golf Course Superintendent). 

6.      Question:  How long will the golf course be closed for the renovation?

Answer:  Assuming normal weather we would estimate 6 months.  It is recommended that we close as near mid April as possible to allow as much renovation activity to be accomplished as possible before the rainy season.  The sooner we plant grass, establish roots, and fine tune the turf, the better the conditions at grand opening.  Our goal is to plant most of the grass between June 15 and July 15, which leaves us plenty of growing season weather before cooler temps commence.

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