Friday, July 10, 2015

Dear Member,

The following blog posts for the next few weeks will consist of the most commonly asked questions from the membership in regards to the Master Plan and Renovation process. These answers are from Billy Fuller (Golf Course Consultant and Architect), as well as additional input from Josh Dunaway (Golf Course Superintendent). 

5. Question:  If we go forward with renovating the course per the master plan, what would the Club gain / benefit?


Ø  The primary benefit of the renovation would be to restore the Club’s mission to offer the best possible golf course amenity to every caliber player, regardless of handicap; to create more friendly tees (yardages) for seniors and ladies.  We are addressing the game of golf for all generations of players.

Ø  Putting surfaces would offer up-to-date Ultra Dwarf Bermudagrass that provides smoother and faster greens that players throughout the southern states have grown accustomed to playing.  Overseeding would never be required.  Playing conditions would greatly improve throughout the year.

Ø  Playability of bunkers would be greatly improved and drainage issues resolved.

Ø  Drainage efficiency would be greatly improved throughout the fairways.  Players would be back on the course much sooner following rainstorm events.

Ø  Maintenance efficiencies and dollars will be greatly enhanced post renovation since monies would not be wasted on shoveling mud and sand in bunkers, and sodding greens due to aged turf, etc.  Instead, maintenance hours will be redistributed to fine-tuning key playing surfaces (greens, tees and fairways) to provide best conditions possible throughout the year.

Ø  Finally, our course has lost the look and feel of Donald Ross design.  While we fix the above issues we have the perfect opportunity to reinstate Donald Ross in our greens, bunkers, and related strategic features.  Our marketing strategies should be greatly enhanced if we take these measures to upgrade the agronomic issues, playability, and strategic design elements of Donald Ross.

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