Friday, June 12, 2015

Dear Member,

The following blog posts for the next few weeks will consist of the most commonly asked questions from the membership in regards to the Master Plan and Renovation process. These answers are from Billy Fuller (Golf Course Consultant and Architect), as well as additional input from Josh Dunaway (Golf Course Superintendent). 

1. Question:  How long does the Master Plan Process take?  When will we know how much the recommended scope of work will cost?

Answer:  As many of you know I have been playing golf with various members over the last two months.  My purpose is two-fold.  Each time I play the course I become more familiar with the intricacies of the current strategy and what I consider to be its strengths and weaknesses.  Secondly, it gives me the opportunity to hear what you (the members) think (like and dislike) about the course.

I have begun developing a written narrative about each golf hole, and have now started to work on sketch plans on a hole-by-hole basis.  This is based on my findings to date for each hole.  This process will continue over the next few months.  As the plan comes together a scope of work will be created along with specifications for various features throughout the course.  From this we will create a Bid for Contract and invite approved golf course contractors to visit the course, review the plan and scope, and provide prices for the work in today’s dollars.  Our goal is to have the bids in hand by mid to late September.  We need this time to create the most ideal plan possible for the CCO.  Rushing the process is not an option!

Thank you!

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