Dear Members,
Again last night we received quite a bit of rain (1.5”)
bringing our rain total to 6.5” over the past week. As many of you are well
aware, the Country Club of Orlando is considered a very wet golf course due to
drainage and soil issues. After having a very successful Summer of strong
maintenance practices our strong and healthy turf is now being compromised by
large areas of standing water and excessively wet areas which are not able to
be mowed. One of the biggest issues we are currently evaluating with a civil is
engineer is getting water “off campus”. Let me explain, even if the golf course
had drainage which operated efficiently through siphons and pumps, which we
currently rely mainly just on surface drainage, once the water is drained into
the out-falls or ponds, where does it go? As stated before, we are working on
solving one of these pieces of our drainage problem puzzle as water currently
does not efficiently leave our property.