Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Our maintenance team began yesterday pressure washing and cleaning all of the wooden bridges located on property to give them a fresher appearance. This process will take a week or two to complete, as we are currently a little low on staff. Thank you for your patience if you happen to drive over wet areas or hear some noise from our pressure washing crew!




Thursday, February 19, 2015

There has been much speculation now that we have hit the coolest month (February) as to the health of the golf course and why some areas are discolored. As everyone knows we did not over-seed the golf course which gives us a strong agronomic advantage going into the Spring and Summer, as we do not deal with the "transition" of perennial ryegrass/poa trivialis dying out and bermuda grass growing back in. Bermuda grass, which is our main-stand of turf goes in a period of "dormancy" during the cooler months which allows the plant to store carbohydrates and survive during these cooler months, this is why the turf currently appears discolored. But not to worry, the golf course will quickly green-up when consistent warm weather moves in. A few benefits of not over-seeding are less irrigation (dryer and firmer conditions), better weed control, no-transition period which results in a stronger base turf which would be bermuda grass, and more rounds which are noted by our awesome golf professional staff:

Round counts at the Country Club of Orlando for Ocotober-Mid February are as follows:

'13-'14  = 8,596 total rounds

'14-'15 = 10,231 total rounds

The following article goes into much detail as to the advantages and disadvantages of over-seeding and why it can vary from golf course to golf course depending on the region of the golf club.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This morning we measured and mapped our green's mix root-zone depth and they appear to be not uniform to United States Golf Association green building specifications. Our depths range from 10" to 24" which is unusually deep and inconsistent. The following website gives a complete description of the specifications of a USGA putting green.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Our maintenance crew understands the importance of how the golf course is set up and maintained on a daily basis and one of our biggest emphasis' are locating and setting up "fair" pins. We use a system in which an electronic level is placed in three different angles around the cup before being cut a new pin, in which all of the slope percentages are under 2.5%.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

We have been continuing our irrigation work around the tennis courts and have come across several problems we have been working on correcting. Our goal is to have the tennis court landscape up and running in the next several weeks to develop a sound maintenance program for the surround plants and turf. We appreciate your understanding if you discover areas where we are currently working!